Books and chapters
“Regulatory Risk and Foreing Investments Developed in Latin America” (in collaboration with A. Calvo), in R. Schlunze, N. Agola y W. Baber (Ed.), Spaces of International Economy and Management, Launching New Perspectives on Management and Geography. Pp. 95-113. Ed. Palgrave-Macmillan. New York. 2012. ISBN: 978-0-230-30022-4.
“De la ciudad a la postmetrópoli”, in J. Gómez-Montero, Ch. J. Bischoff und A. Abuín (Dir.), Urbes Europeae II. Ciudades europeas: Imaginarios culturales ante la globalización/Europäische Städe im Zeichen der Globalisierung. Pp. 29-57. Ed Ludwig. Kiel. 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86935-172-8.
Destination Branding, Heritage and Authenticity. 1st EJTHR International Conference. 2012. Edición en CD. Págs. 1127. Ed. Universidade de Santiago, Istituto Politeécnico de Leiria y Università di Salento. ISBN: 978-84-695-3961-3. Dep. Legal: C. 1324-2012.
“Población, crecimiento urbano y mercado de la vivienda en España // Population, urban growth and the housing market in Spain” (in collaboration with Mª.J. Piñeira), In Comité Español de la Unión Geográfica Internaconal, Spanish Contribution to 32nd Congress Cologne 2012. Nuevos Aires en la Geografía Española del siglo XXI // New Trends in the XXI Century Spanish Geography. Pp. 237-251y 528-542. Comité Español de la UGI. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-615-8004-0.
European Regions in the Strategy to Emerge from the Crisis: the Territorial Dimension of the "Europe 2020". 2013. Págs. 177. Ed. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 978-84-15876-11-3. Dep. Legal: C-1034-2013.
The Europe 2020 Strategy As A Vision To Emerge From The Crisis: An Overall Interpretation". Pp.17-29. ESPON ATLAS June 2013, Territorial Dnensions of the Europe 2020 Strategy. European Union, European Regional Development Fund. Luxemburgo. ISBN: 978-2-919777-36-5.
"Industry in the Configuration of Regional Metropolitan and Urban Systems in Spain. An Analysis of Expansive Period of 1990-2008 and the Effects of the Economic Crisis" (in collaboration with A. Miramontes), en L. Mierzejewska y J. Parysek (Eds.), Cities in a Complex World. 2014. Pp. 93-105. Ed. Boguki Wydawnictwo Naljkowe. Poznan (Poland). ISBN: 978-83-7986-022-7.
New Tourism in the 21st Century. Culture, The City and Spirituality. 2014. Págs. 245. Ed. Cambridge Schollars Publising. Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN:978-1-4438-5892-2
"Comsumption of Advanced Internet Services in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Madrid". In D.P. O´Donoghue (Ed.), Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries and Systems. 2014. Pp. 27-39. Ed. Ashgate. Farnham, Surrey (UK).ISBN: 978-1-4094-6851-6.
"Macrocrephalic growth of capital cities in West Africa´s urban system". In N. Kotze, R. Donaldson y G. Visser (Eds.), "Life in a Changing Urban Lanscape". Pp. 37-52. IGU Urban Geography Commission y University of Johannesburg. Johannesburg. ISBN: 978-0-86970-769-2.
"The legacy of colonialism in the spatial planning and political and administrative organisationof the territory in West Africa: the cases of Senegal, Mali and Cap-Verde". In J. García Álvarez y J.C. Garcia (Eds.), História da Geografia e Colonialismo/Histoire de la Géographie et Colonialisme/History of Geography and Colonialism. Pp. 283-300. 2014. Ed. Centro de Estudos Geograficos da Universidade de Lisboa y IGU/UGI. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-636-245-6. Dep. Legal: 390242/15.
"The Way of Saint James: A Contemporary Geographical Analysis" (in collaboration with V. Paül, M. Pazos-Otón y X.M. Santos). In S. Brunn (Ed.), The Changing World Religiom Map. Vol. 1: Sacred Places, Identities, Practicesand Politics. Pp. 709-732. 2015. Ed. Springer. Dorddrecht y New York. ISBN: 978-94-017-9375-9 (e-book: 978-94-017-9376-6). DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9376-6
Se loger dans le passé” (in collaboration with B. Castro). 2006. Espaces et sociétés. nº. 126. Pp. 159-179. Editions Eres y Université Paris-Dauphiné. ISSN: 0014-0481. Dep. Legal: Septembre 2006.
Research Consortiums In The European Union: An Example from the Fifth Framework Program Providing New Solutions In Rural Transport” (in collaboration with M. Pazos y Mª. Pilar Alonso). 2006. Ahn Ha Haykata, 2006. Pp. 308-317. Universidad de S. Cirilio y S. Metodio. Veliko-Tarnovo (Bulgaria). ISBN: 978-954-775-727-1.
“From political construct to tourist souvenir-building the “National” landscape through advertising in Galicia (Spain)” (in collaboration with F. López). 2007. Social Geography & Social Geography Discussions, 3. Pp. 237-272. University of Jena (Alemania). A, Giddens, B. Werlen y M. Hannah (Editors-in-Chief). ISSN: 1729-4312 y 1816-1502.
“La fuerza de un mito: la presencia del paisaje nacional en la publicidad turística gallega en España” (in collaboration with F. López). 2007. Ateliê Geográfico. Revista Electrónica, Vol. 1, Nº. 1, 2007. Universidade Federal de Goiás-Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais (Brasil). ISSN: 1982-1956.
“Integration, Memory and Cultural Heritage in Galicia-Northern Portugal Border Region” (in collaboration with J.L. Palmeiro y M. Pazos). 2007. Nordia. NGP Yearbook 2007. The Changing Cultural Geographies of Place, Region and Mobility. Vol 36: 4. A. Paasi & E.-K. Prokkola (Guest Editors). Pp. 23-35. ISSN: 1238-2086. ISBN: 978-951-42-8726-8.
“Territorial planning as support for local development. A methodology applied to Guatemala” (in collaboration with J.A. Aldrey y R. Rodríguez). 2009. Rural Studies, vol. 20, november. Pp. 27-47. ISSN: 1642-4689
“The Historic Centre in Spanish Industrial and Post-Industrial Cities” (in collaboration with J. González). 2010. The Open Urban Studies Journal, vol. 3. Pp. 34-46. ISSN: 1874-9429
“ICT Inequalities in The Spanish Urban System”. 2010. Journal of Urban and Regional Analisys, vol. 2. Pp. 19-32. ISSN: Print 2067-4092, online 2068-9969.
“Recent infrastructure policy and the integration of the metropolitan system in Spain: an análisis of winning and losing areas” (in collaboration with M. Pazos). 2010. Semestrale di Studi e Ricerce di Geografia, XXII, Fascicolo 1, gennaio-giugnio 2010. Pp. 27-53. Universitá de la Spienza di Roma. ISSN: 1125-5218. Dep. Legal: Tribunale di Roma autorizacione 4742 e inscricione 671/88.
“Souvenirs and Territorial Representations: A Case Study in Santiago de Compostela” (in collaboration with D. Santomil). European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation (EJTHR), Vol. 3, Iss. 3. 2012. Pp. 99-113. Polytechnic Institute of Leiría. ISSN: 2182-4916. Dep. Legal: 318229/10.
“Pèlegrinage ou Tourisme sur le Chemin de Saint-Jacques actuel. Insterpretation d´un rapport omplexe d´un point de vue géographique”. Compostelle. Cahiers du Centre d´Étude, de Recherche et d´Histoire Compostellanes, Nº. 15. Pp. 70-83. 2012 ISSN : 0994-8597.
"Le tranway entre politique de transport et outil de réhabilitation urbanistique dans quelques pays européeens: Allemagne, Espagne, France et Suisse". Annales de Géographie. Núm. 694, Année 122. Novembre-Décembre 2013. Pp. 619-644. ISSN:0003-4010. Dep. Legal: décembre 2013, Nº. 201312.0058.
"Tourists and pilgrims on their way to Santiago. Motives, Caminos and final destinations".. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Pags. 15. Published online 27 May 2014. Ed. Routledge. ISSN: 1476-6825 (Print), 1747-7654 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2014. 918985.
"The territorial dimension of ´Europe 2020`: Mapping European regions under the strategy to emerge from the crisis" (in collaboration with V. Paul y J.M. Trillo). Social Sciences, 2014; 1(1). Pp. 36-50. Ed. Science Publishing Group. Nueva York. DOI: 10.11648/
"From Sacred Place to Monumental Space: Mobility Along the Way to St. James" (in collaboration with B. Castro y L. Lopez). Mobilities, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/17450101. 2015.1080528.
"The revival of urban social and neighbourhood movrments in Spain: a geographical characterization" (in collaboration with Mª.J. Piñeira). Die Erde. Journal of the Georaphical Society of Berlin, Vol. 146, Nº, 2-3. Pp. 127-138. ISSN: 0013-9998. DOI: 10.12854/erde-146-11
The economic crisis and vulnerability in the Spanish cities: urban governance challenges" (in collaboration with J.M González y Mª.J. Piñeira). , Web of Science (WOS), 223 (2016), 160-166, 2nd ISTH. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.05.339.
"Historic City, Tourism Performance and Development: The Balance of Social Behaviours in the City of Santiago de Compostela" (in collaboration with B. Castro y L. Lopez). Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 16, núm. 3, 282-294. July 2016. ISSN: 1467-3584. ISSN (Online): 1742-9692. Doi: 10.1177/1467358415578473.
"The Urban Bubble Process in Spain: An Interpretation From The Theory of The Circuits Of Capital" (in collaboration with Mª.J. Piñeira y S. Vives). Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, Vol. VIII, 1, 2016. 5-20. ISSN: 2067-4082, e-ISSN: 2068-9969.
"Large Transport Infrastructures in the Transformation of the Spanish Urban System" (in collaboration with Mª.J. Piñeira et alt.). Geographical Rechearch (Publicado en Chino), Vol. 35, Nº.7, 1353-1370. ISSN: 1000-0585.
"Logiques urbaines et politiques de transport en Espagne: du consensus au conflict" (in collaboration with M. Pazos). Sud-Ouest Européen. Numero spécial: Insfrastructures de transports et conflicts. Nº. 40 - 2015. Pp. 85-101. ISSN: 1276-4930. ISBN: 978-2-8107-0448-4.
"From Sacred Place to Monumental Space: Mobility Along the Way to St. James" (in collaboration with B. Castro y L. Lopez). , December 2016, Vol. 11 (5), 770-789. ISSN: 1745-0101. DOI: 10.1080/17450101. 2015.1080528.
"The new shopping centre bubble and its impact on urban dynamics: the case of A Coruña" (in collaboration with Mª.J. Piñeira y L.A. Escudero). , Maggio-Agosto 2016, Núm. 51, 81-87. ISSN: 1126-7798.
"Comentario. La visión de Galicia de Plácido Castro: la relación entre la (geo)política interna y la externa" (in collaboration withn J.M. Trillo). , Vol. 7, Núm. 2, Julio-Diciembre 2016, 309-317. ISSN: 2172-3958. ISSNe 2172-7155.
"The Potential Atractiveness of Uzbekistan. Designing strategies to promote the Central Asian Republic by analising oficial tourism image and conducting at-destination surveys" (in collaboration with Mª.L. del Río y A. Kim), en , Núm. 22, 12-27 (2º Semestre de 2016). ISSN impresión: 1885-2564. ISSN electrónico: 2254-0644. Dep. Legal: B-39.009.
"Galiza no espaço lusófono. Uma aproximaçâo a partir da Geografia", en , Núm. 10 (dezembro 2016), 9-33. ISSN: 2182-1267.
"The challenges of the First European Cultural Itinerary: the Way of St. James" (in collaboration with I. Gusman, L. Lopez y X.M. Santos). , Vol. 8, Nº. 6. Special Issue "Via Francigena: the Long Way of Peace among the european landscapes". 2017. Pp.1-19. ISSN: 2036-5195. 10:6092.
"Local Administration and Local Power in Spain: Recent Reforms and Debates. Lessons for and from China" (en colaboración con C. Aymerich). , Vol. 63, Nº. 1 (2018) 1-21. DOI: 10.1142/S02177590817420024
"The Way to the Western European Land´s End. The Case of Finisterre (Galicia, Spain)" (in collaboration with L. Lopez y Y. Pérez Guilarte). Italian Journal of Planning Practice, Accepted pre-print May 2017. ISSN: 2239-267X.
"La imagen de China y la geografía urbana china en Occidente: Reflexiones desde la península ibérica" (in collaboration with Mª.J. Piñeira). , 2017, Vol. 63/2. Pp. 255-276. ISSN: 0212-1573 (impreso), 2014-4512 (en línea). Dep. Legal: B-27.071-1982.
"The voices of female pilgrims in medieval wills. The Jacobean devotion in Apulia (Italy)" (in collaboration with L. Lopez). Gender, Place & Culture. 17 págs. ISSN: 0966-369X (Print), 1360-0524 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2017.1334630 (Published online: 23 Jun 2017).
“Spiritual tourism on the way of Saint James the current situation” (in collaboration with L. Lopez y B.Mª. Castro). Tourism Management Perspectives. Vol. 24 (2017). Pp. 225-234. ISSN: 2211-9736. DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2017.07.015.
“Le politiques touristiques décentralisées en Espagne: chaos ou réussite? ”. , Nº 43, 2017. Pp. 87-103. ISSN: 1276-4930. ISBN: 978-2-8107-0543-6.
“The Global rent Gap of Lisbon´s Historic Centre” (in collaboration with I. Lestegás y J. Seixas). Sustainable Development and Planning, 2018, Vol. 13 (4). Pp. 683-694. ISSN: 1743-7601 (paper format) y 1743-761X (online). DOI: 10.2495/SDP-V13-N4-683-694.
“The underground of European cities in plannng documets: the case of A Coruña (Spain)” (in collaboration with B. Moar y M. Pazos). Web of Science (WOS), 209 (2017), 42-48, Urban Subsurface Planning and Management week. ISSN: 1877-7058. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.128.
“Ordenación del Territorio y estrategias de planificación en los Caminos de Santiago” (in collaboration with X. Somoza). , 68, Julio-Diciembre 2017, 47-65. ISSN: 0213-4691; eISSN: 1989-0890. DOI: 10.14198/INGEO.2017.68.03.