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Competitive projects

Member of the project Mise en place d’un réseau d’informations économiques et stadistiques de l’Arc Atlantique, dirigido por J. Renard y J.P. Corlay (Université de Nantes) y financiado por el Conseil Régional Pays de la Loire. 1994-1995.

Principal Investigator of DIGICYT Contraurbanization and suburbanization in Atlantic Europe: a comparative study of Galicia, Ireland and England (PB96-0953). 1997-2000.

Member oft Teaching Thematic Network,. Universities of Santiago de Compostela, León and Huelva (Spain), of the Andes-Nucleus of Trujillo (Venezuela), Federal of Bahia (Brazil) and Javieriana of Bogotá (Colombia). Leader: University of Santiago de Compostela. AECI. 2000-2002.

Scientific advisor of the municipality of Viveiro in the European Project Fondelf, for the preservation of rivers, lakes and forests. Tourism Area. Recite II Program of the European Union. Participants: municipality of Kuuno (Finland), province of Värmland (Sweden), Department of Jura (France), Junta de Extremadura and Concello de Viveiro (Spain). Leader: province of Värmland. 2001-2003.

Member of the Thematic Network of Teaching, Borders and Globalization: socioeconomic, territorial and political analysis. Universities of Santiago de Compostela, León and Lleida (Spain), Columbia (Paraguay), Federal do Paraná (Brazil) and Mayor of San Andrés de La Paz (Bolivia). AECI. 2002-2004.

Leader Partner of a Work-Package (WP) of the European Project, Territorial Impacts of European Fisheries, del “ESPON 2006 Programme, 2-1.6. UE-Interreg III”. Instituto Universiario de Estudios para o Desenvolvemento (IDEGA). Universidade de Santiago. 2004-2006.

Principal Investigator of the Project Design of economic-territorial instruments for the administrative management of local development in Senegal, Cape Verde and Mali, of the Inter-university Cooperation Program of the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation (AECID) (A / 0233139/09). 2010 & 2011


Principal Investigator of the Main research Project (Plan Nacional I+D) of Ministerio de Ciencia e

Innocación  (MICIN),  Sistema  de  indicadores  para  el  análisis  de  las  dinámicas  urbanas  y   metropolitanas en España a comienzos del siglo XXI (CSO2010-16298. Subprograma Geog.). Instituto Universiario de Estudios para o Desenvolvemento (IDEGA) of University of Santiago. 2010-2012.

Principal Investigator of the Project Spatial Indicators for a Europe 2020 Strategy Territorial Analysis (SIESTA), of the “Applied Research Project on European Regions: potencial contribution to the 2020 EU Strategy under Priority 1 of the ESPON 2013 Programme”. Instituto Universiario de Estudios para o Desenvolvemento (IDEGA). University of Santiago de Compostela. 2011-2013.

Member of the Managing Comitee as representat of Spain in the European Action COST, TUI1206 SUB_URBAN. Proyecto Coordnado por S. Campbell del British Geological Survey. Red establecida entre institutos de Geologia, universidades y ciudades de 12 países de la UE. 2013-2016.

Principal Investigator of Project Los retos del sistema metropolitano español ante la Estrategia Europea 2010 en el contexto de crisis. La consolidación de un observatorio urbano y metropolitano (CSO2013-47833-C4-1-R). (Plan Nacional I+D) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Instituto Universiario de Estudios para o Desenvolvemento (IDEGA) de la Universidade de Santiago. 2014-2016.

Principal Researcher (in collaboration with Juan M. Trillo) of the European Project National Landscapes in the Global World, granted by the Center Maritius Coppieters of the European Parliament. University of Santiago de Compostela. 2017.

Member of the research team, as a foreign expert, of the Project, Heritage routes - new resources for use if instruments and forms of collaboration in heritage management (NINA project nº 1784000 / USC 2015-CP045), of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research - NINA. Project Directed by Hogne Olan. GIRL. From November 2015 to March 2017.

Member of the Team and Leader at the University of Santiago of the Erasmus + Project, Strategic Partnerships, Urban Dynamics: Global perspective for sociocultural management / Urbane Dynamiken: Globale Perspektiven für ein sozioculturelles Stadtdmanagement, of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademistcher Austauschdienst / German Academic Exchange Service) and the European Commission (DAAD 2015-1-DE01-KA203-002201; USC 2015-PI042). Project Directed by J. Gómez Montero of the Christian-Albrecht-University of Kiel, with the participation of the University of Paris VIII, University of Santiago de Compostela, Federal University of Pernambuco and Universidad el Salvador de Buenos Aires. From July 2015 to June 2017 (Extended until December).

Principal Researcher (in collaboration with Juan M. Trillo) of the European Territorial Project and Cross-Border Cooperation as an Instrument for External Action: a Look on Starteless Nations (2016-PO011), granted by the Center Maritius Coppieteres of the European Parliament. University of Santiago de Compostela. 2016

Principal Investigator of the Contract to hold the Scientific Meeting A nova EGTC Rio Miño from a comparative vision: a Raia e Europa (2017-RC0015). Deputation of Pontevedra and University of Santiago de Composrtela. 2017

Principal Investigator of the Contract for conducting the Scientific Meeting Mobilidade transfronteiriza: a humid raia to debate through European cases (2017-RC0014). Deputation of Pontevedra and University of Santiago de Composrtela. 2017

Principal Investigator of the University of Santiago de Compostela in the Research Project 0358_GEOARPAD_1_E-Cultural Collective Heritage: Platform for the valorization and Innovation of the call of the POCTEP (2016-PI042), Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Territorial Cooperation (Galicia-North of Portugal) , from the 2014-2020 period. 2017-2019.

Principal Researcher of the Inter-University Foundation Eurorrexionais Center of Studies (CEER) in the Research Project 0256_SMART_MINO_1_E of the POCTEP call, Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Territorial Cooperation (Galicia-North of Portugal), from the 2014-2020 period. 2017-2019.

Principal Investigator of the Fundación Interuniversitaria Centro de Estudos Eurorrexionais (CEER) in the Research Project 0063_COOP_ACT_1_P of the call of the POCTEP, Spain-Portugal Transfrontier Territorial Cooperation (Galicia-North of Portugal), from the 2014-2020 period, as subcontractors of the City Council of Tomiño. 2017-2019.

Principal Investigator of the Fundación Interuniversitaria Centro de Estudos Eurorrexionais (CEER) in the Research Project 0044_VISIT_RIO_MINHO_1_P of the call of the POCTEP, Spain-Portugal Transfrontier Territorial Cooperation (Galicia-North of Portugal), of the 2014-2020 period, as subcontractors of the City Council of Tomiño. 2017-2019.

Principal Investigator of the Agreement with Public Entities Análise-territorial diagnosis of Miño Transfronteirizo (2017-CP0068). Deputation of Pontevedra and University of Santiago de Compostela. 2017

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